Free Will, Responsibility, and Crime: An Introduction
Ken Levy ’91. Routledge, July 2019. Available on Amazon. In his book, philosopher and law professor Ken Levy explains why he agrees with most people, but not with most other philosophers, about free will and responsibility. Most people believe that we have both―that is, that our choices, decisions, and actions are neither determined nor undetermined but rather fully self-determined. By contrast, most philosophers understand just how difficult it is to defend this “metaphysical libertarian” position. So they tend to opt for two other theories: “Responsibility skepticism” (which denies the very possibility of free will and responsibility) and “compatibilism” (which reduces free will and responsibility to properties that are compatible with determinism). In opposition to both of these theories, Levy explains how free will and responsibility are indeed metaphysically possible. But he also cautions against the dogma that metaphysical libertarianism is actually true, a widespread belief that continues to cause serious social, political, and legal harms.