Hope in a Corner of My Heart: A Healing Journey Through the Dream-Logical World of Inner Metaphors
By Gina Campbell ’75. Balboa Press, February 2018. Available on Amazon. Julia received the call every parent dreads: her daughter Barbara has been killed in a car accident. Still reeling from her loss months later, Julia embarks on a fascinating journey into her inner world of metaphors, uncovering wounds both new and old that she must heal before she can embrace living again.Read the actual transcripts of Julia’s twelve sessions with her counselor Gina Campbell, whose comments from the facilitator’s chair reveal how uncovering the metaphors that deepen Julia’s self-exploration open her to new possibilities and healing.
My Soul Has No Corners
By Souad Labbize, Translated by Susanna Lang ’77
Peterson Field Guide to Bird Sounds of Eastern North America
Nathan Pieplow '98