Bon Voyage, Class of ’15!
On June 7, Williams held its 226th Commencement, celebrating the Class of 2015. During the ceremony, President Adam Falk gave honorary degrees to Nobel Prize-winning chemist Mario J. Molina, Xerox Chairman and CEO Ursula M. Burns, two-term former Massachusetts Gov. Deval L. Patrick and writer Gish Jen. Burns then gave the Commencement Address, telling the soon-to-be graduates: “You have a choice to make. You now have a Williams degree, which is your ticket to success and comfort. You can wring your hands over the sad state of affairs [in the world] or you can become part of the crusade for continuous change. You can reap the benefits of the sacrifices of those who have gone on before you, or you can honor the memory of those on whose shoulders you stand today and help build a better tomorrow. I suggest that you have no choice at all. In fact, when you enrolled at Williams, you already cast your vote. This noble institution does not graduate people content to sit on the sidelines.”