“Collette [Chilton] exemplifies everything we are hoping to achieve with Vision 30/40, whereby women will hold 30% of senior investment roles and executive committee positions by 2040. Her professional accomplishments and breadth of volunteerism across various organizations are inspiring and noteworthy.”

 —Amanda Pullinger, CEO of 100 Women in Finance, announcing that Williams Chief Investment Officer Collette Chilton is the recipient of the global organization’s 2022 Americas Industry Leadership Award. 

Headshot photo of Collette ChiltonCollette Chilton, chief investment officer, has received 2022 Americas Industry Leadership Award from 100 Women in Finance (100WF), a global finance industry organization.

The award “is presented annually in recognition of exemplary professional talent, business ethics, and passion for investing that further define and advance the industry’s standards of excellence,” according to the 100WF website.

Learn more about Chilton and 100WF’s America Industry Leadership Award.