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In her carefully researched memoir My City of Dreams (TidePool Press), Lisa Gruenberg ’76 provides a 21st-century testimony of the Holocaust, interweaving her own life story with those of relatives dead or “lost to darkness.”
Anthony Kronman ’68 argues in The Assault on American Excellence (Simon & Schuster) that, in order to graduate as good citizens, students need to succeed in a higher education system that he says “isn’t wholly focused on being good to them.”
In The Long Public Life of a Short Private Poem (Stanford University Press), Peter Murphy, the John Hawley Roberts Professor of English, explains how Thomas Wyatt’s unpublished but widely read poem “They Flee from Me” survived for more than 500 years.
Through a series of amusing and poignant vignettes that sometimes give voice to art works themselves, longtime Metropolitan Museum of Art staff member Christine Coulson MA ’93 offers readers a tour of the private side of the museum in her novel Metropolitan Stories (Other Press).
W. Anthony Sheppard, the Marylin & Arthur Levitt Professor of Music, investigates Japanese representation in virtually every genre of American music in Extreme Exoticism: Japan in the American Musical Imagination (Oxford University Press).
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