They Said:
A collection of opinions and ideas expressed at Williams.
“When this year’s fund closed the books on June 30, more than 14,200 alumni (59.25 percent participation) had generously given, collectively contributing almost $8.7 million to the College’s operating budget—an incredible achievement considering the recent challenging economic circumstances.”
—Katie Chatas ’88 and Bill Sprague ’80, co-chairs of the 2008-09 Alumni Fund, in a letter to alumni reporting the year’s results. July 2009.
“Mostly I see it as a recruiting tool for the computer science major! No, honestly, I view my role very simply: be a supportive, attentive and approachable member of the faculty.”
—Brent Heeringa, computer science professor, on his role as faculty adviser to the women’s tennis team. Heeringa attends all home matches and even traveled to Atlanta to see the team beat Amherst 5-2 in the NCAA Championship Finals last spring. Sports Information, 07.24.09