Illystration depciting dynamical systems by John S. Dykes

Fun, seriously.

Fun, seriously.

Illustration depicting topology by John S. Dykes
Illustration by John S. Dykes

Math is a “beautiful,” “pleasurable,” and “creative” discipline, according to those who teach it at Williams. Says Atwell Professor of Mathematics Frank Morgan, “It’s like music—people should have a chance to enjoy math.”

That was the underlying notion behind a transformation of the math program that took place in the late 1980s. As a result, today the Department of Mathematics & Statistics graduates about 60 majors each June, a third of them women. More than half of all Williams undergraduates complete multivariable calculus. Most impressive of all, 12 percent of the College’s graduates major in mathematics at a time when, according to the American Mathematical Society, the national averages hovers around 1 percent.

Illustration depicting the ever-evolving life of number 5 by John S. Dykes
Illustration by John S. Dykes

Learn more about why so many Williams students are majoring in math in the January 2011 Williams Alumni Review. (For a text-only version, click here.)